All Levels Yoga
This is an all-levels class based on Ayurvedic principles, incorporating the Chakras, which are seven energy centers in the body. Modifications and variations are offered. This class will increase your strength, flexibility, and help you lead a healthy, happy and balanced lifestyle.

Slow Flow
This class is designed for all levels based on Ayurvedic principles. Modifications and variations are offered. During this class you will learn to still the mind, increase strength and flexibility in this slow flow practice.

This class combines yoga and Pilates movements to strengthen the core while focusing on breath and relaxing the mind. This class is suitable for all levels.

Aromatherapy Yoga & Meditation
This class is designed for all levels based on Ayurvedic principles. Relax and restore your body, mind, and soul with the practice of restorative yoga poses, aromatherapy, gentle adjustments, and guided meditation. This class is perfect for those who have a lot of stress and anxiety or have trouble sleeping.

Beginner Yoga
This class is designed for Every Body, whether you are new to yoga or you'd like to get back down to the basics of alignment, this class is for you. During this class each pose will be broken down step by step and at the same time it will increase your strength and flexibility.

Gentle Yoga
This class moves at a slower, more relaxed pace for increased emphasis on the body, mind and breath connection. Based on Ayurvedic principles and appropriate for all levels of practice, including beginners, pre- and post-natal, those healing from illness or injury, older adults or those seeking to enjoy the quieter, deeper aspects of yoga.
Classi di specialitÃ

L'Ayurveda è in sintonia con la natura in base al tuo tipo di corpo o dosha*. Inizia la lezione con una tazza di tè calda e unisciti a noi per un flusso di vinyasa caldo e lento progettato per aiutarti a perdere peso e ripristinare la tua vitalità . Offriamo tre classi, una per principianti, livello 1; Livello 1/2 per tutti i livelli e Livello 2 per yogi più avanzati Ottieni consigli ayurvedici dal mentore personale di Anna, il dottor Suhas Kshirsagar, autore di "The Hot Belly Diet", progettato per ogni tipo di corpo per aiutare a promuovere una sana perdita di peso e vitalità .
*Se vuoi scoprire il tuo tipo di corporatura o dosha e vuoi saperne di più, sono disponibili anche consulenze ayurvediche private su appuntamento.